Monday, November 24, 2014

Michigan Barn Preservation Network Seeks Nominees for "Barn of the Year"

From the Michigan Barn Preservation Network press release:

Seeking Nominations
2015 Barn of the Year

Postmarked by January 9, 2015


Nominate a Barn!

The Michigan Barn Preservation Network (MBPN) seeks nominations for the 2015 Barn of the Year Awards. Each year, the MBPN honors those who make the extra effort to maintain their historic barn with integrity. We recognize that barns must adapt in order to survive, so we recognize those who have modified their barns in a sensitive, creative manner to accommodate an alternative use. Owners include individuals, businesses and public organizations.  To reflect these variables, the MPBN has developed the following award categories:

1)    Continuing Family/Private Agricultural Use
2)    Family/Private Adaptive Use
3)    Non-profit Agricultural or Adaptive Use
4)    Commercial Agricultural or Adaptive Use

Barns will be judged for completeness of information presented in the application, sensitivity and integrity of repairs or modification, visual appeal, creativity, thoroughness of work, and effort expended to repair and maintain. The winning nominations will be presented an award at the MBPN annual conference in March at Michigan State University.

Three items are required for the submission: a written narrative, photographs, and a completed MBPN Survey form. The Application form and the Survey form can be found on the MBPN website ( under the Resource tab.

Nominations must be postmarked by January 9, 2015.

For more information contact Barn of the Year Committee Chairman Jerry Damon at

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