Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Feature: Local Learning Dress to Express Museum Modules

In conjunction with first issue of the Journal of Folklore and Education, “Dress to Express: Exploring Culture and Identity,” Local Learning proudly announces the launch of three museum modules that extend this theme in our new online Discovery Studio. Because dress and adornment carry such deep, complex meaning, they present exciting opportunities for learning across disciplines and age groups and in diverse settings. Dress and adornment create accessible portals to culture and community as well as to historical and contemporary identity.

The images made available by our museum partners bring the museum collection to the computer screen, and the suggested lessons offer new ways to think about history, identity, art, and culture as well as encourage close observation and interpretation. Activities suitable for grades 4-12, university, museum, and community settings accompany the images. Find more activity and context on this theme in Volume 1 of the Journal of Folklore and Education.

Exploring Dress, Culture, and Identity in Asian Art
by Joanna Pecore
Asian Arts & Culture Center, Towson University, Towson, Maryland
What do art objects from distant times and places express about the identity of the people and the cultures depicted in them?

Exploring Dress, Culture and Identity in American Indian Dress and Objects
by Lisa Falk
Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona
How would you feel if someone (outside your identity group) used your identity design references in a clothing line? What might change how you feel about this use? 

Lau Hala Weaving and Hawai’ian Cultural Identity
by Marsha MacDowell
Michigan State University Museum, East Lansing, Michigan
How is the weaving and wearing of lau hala papale (hats) connected to Hawai’ian history, identity, natural resources, and culture?

Find the Dress to Express Museum Modules in the Discovery Studio of the Local Learning website and explore more activities and context on this theme in Volume 1 of the Journal of Folklore and Education, funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. Please publicize these free resources among your colleagues and networks.

Paddy Bowman, Director, pbbowman@gmail.com
Lisa Rathje, Assistant Director, rathje.lisa@gmail.com
Local Learning: The National Network for Folk Arts in Education

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